4S is an open source ecosystem for telemedicine providers and consumers. Members include the National eHealth Authority (who is responsible for setting the national standards for telemedicine in Denmark), three out of the five Danish regions (who operate all public hospitals and secondary care), municipalities (primary health care and social care), software providers, Aarhus University and the Alexandra Institute. The two latter are currently the operators of 4S. 4S is working to promote collaboration on and around health related data, across public and private sectors. 4S is currently focusing on the use domains of telemedicine and telehealth. Through the use of open technologies, reference architectures and international standards, the goal of the 4S ecosystem is to make it easier, faster and cheaper to practically achieve better healthcare IT solutions.
Feel free to contact the 4S coordinator at coordinator@4s-online.dk if you wish to get more information about 4S.
If you are software developer, software architect or similar we encourage you to browse the 4S wiki where you can find more technical information about the OpenTele and Net4Care projects.
If you have any questions related to development, feel to use the forum where you can ask questions or post comments about the OpenTele and Net4Care projects.