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    Hi, I just installed openteleserver 2 for testing purposes and I would like to do some translations to spanish (or english if readily available). Is there an easy way to start this? Thanks.


    Hi, The OpenTele server 2, is currently available in English and Danish, the way you switch language is by appending ?lang=en to the URL of the server.----Ex.If you have the server installed locally, and want to run it in English, the url will be: running it in Danish: would be very happy if you would like to help with translating it into Spanish, you should be able to see all the strings in the "opentele2-server/grails-app/i18n" folder and the sub folders below.^__^Mike


    Great! That does the trick, is there a way to default this to a specific language? I've noticed everytime I logout I get kicked back to Danish.I'm on the works of translating them, I guess I would have to rebuild this to integrate them? How would I include Spanish as an alternative (I'm creating additional *_sp.properties files including the translations).Thnx,


    Yes, you can change the default locale to something else than danish in “opentele-server/grails-app/conf/config.groovy”, search for “defaultLocale”.I think it should be enough to just create the *_sp.properties files and then rebuild the software.  You might not even need to create all of them, in order to see if it is working, then you just need to find the places where they are used.https://grails.github.io/grails-doc/2.4.3/guide/i18n.html might give some background info.Keep us updated with the progress.^__^Mike


    Thanks a lot, not sure on who to share this with, but this is what I've got so far. I'm still pending the auditLog ones, but there were no english translations and online translation isn't quite getting me there. Also, I think I need to browse on all the pages to make sure the translations make sense based on context.On another subject, where are the questionnaires being constructed from? I noticed they're still being generated in Danish.


    Hi, That looks great (even I don't understand Spanish), and yes it would probably be a good idea to check the strings in context in the running app.  The opentele2 server has an editor to create questionnaires, if you go into the Administrator Menu and select "Questionnaires" then you can see the current questionnaires, you can then click on one and select "Edit", this is also the place to create new questionnaires.The sample/test questionnaires that you see when you run the software "out of the box" are defined in "opentele2-server/grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy"  There is a def called "doBootstrapForEnglishTest()"  this refers to another def called "createQuestionnairesForEnglishTest" where sample English questionnaires are defined.The way to choose which bootstrap is used to seed the database in the "environments" section of the init def (search for "def init = { servletContext ->" in the BootStrap.groovy file.  (There are three environments defined per default - "development", "performance" and "test" the first one is the default one that is used when you follow the instructions on the wiki on how to build the software, the last two are used for performance test and automated test).It would probably be a good idea if we here made the selection of which bootstrap to use, depending on the language selection (defaultLocale) in the config.groovy file - but lets treat that as a separate issue.I have created a Jira issue https://issuetracker4s.atlassian.net/browse/OT-118 to log this thought about automatic selection of language for the sample questionnaires.Now, about the missing translations for the auditlog - thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have created https://issuetracker4s.atlassian.net/browse/OT-119 to track this - If you have specific questions to translations of individual strings, then I might be able to help - otherwise we have to see if someone picks the bug up and solves it. ----Now after you are happy with the translations, and if you wish to contribute them to the OpenTele project, two things are needed to get them merged in - a Jira issue (Jira is our bug/feature tracker) and a pull request with your change that refers to the Jira issue.  You create an account in our Jira (if you don't already have one) by clicking on "Sign in" in the upper right corner, and then choosing "Create account".Please feel free to add any bugs/ideas for improvements into the Jira.  Questions about the source or how to use the software are best handled here on the forum.^__^Mike


    Please let us know if you need help with/guides to getting the issue into Jira or with the pull request.^__^Mike

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