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  • in reply to: Deployment of opentele-server #3959

    Hi Rebecca,I received your log file, there are several attempts where the server tries to start in it, the last one I found was:

    NFO: Deploying web application archive /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/opentele-server.warokt 26, 2015 8:50:45 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader validateJarFileINFO: validateJarFile(/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/opentele-server/WEB-INF/lib/tomcat-embed-core-7.0.53.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 3.0, section 10.7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.classokt 26, 2015 8:50:45 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader validateJarFileINFO: validateJarFile(/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/opentele-server/WEB-INF/lib/tomcat-embed-el-7.0.53.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 3.0, section 10.7.2. Offending class: javax/el/Expression.classUsing database url: jdbc:h2:clinicianDb;MVCC=TRUE;IGNORECASE=TRUEokt 26, 2015 08:50:54 AM org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.cfg.ConfigurationHelperWARN: Unable to load specified config location file:c:/kihdatamon/settings/datamon-config.properties : File does not exist.Using database url: jdbc:h2:clinicianDb;MVCC=TRUE;IGNORECASE=TRUEConfiguring Spring Security Core ...... finished configuring Spring Security Core2015-10-26 08:51:10,168 [localhost-startStop-2] ERROR pool.ConnectionPool  - Unable to create initial connections of pool.java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1073) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3609) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3541)[Snip, a zillion lines of stack traces] ... 5 moreCaused by: java.lang.NullPointerException ... 5 moreokt 26, 2015 8:51:10 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternalSEVERE: Error listenerStartokt 26, 2015 8:51:10 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternalSEVERE: Context [/opentele-server] startup failed due to previous errors ----First of all it looks like the explanation of what you see is that the server isn't starting (but I think we had a good idea that was the case anyway), but more impotently earlier in the log it says (I highlighted it in red above):2015-10-26 08:51:10,168 [localhost-startStop-2] ERROR pool.ConnectionPool  - Unable to create initial connections of pool.java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)So it looks like the problem is with the rights to access the database, can you double check the username/password that you are using, and that you can log in manually?^__^Mike

    in reply to: Deployment of opentele-server #3957

    Hi Rebecca,It sounds (the 404 error) like tomcat don't know about the server - I get the same error if I enter an invalid URL - can you send the catalina.out file, maybe I can see something in that one ("var/lib/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out").^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with opentele-server and opentele-citizen-server #3956

    Sorry for the late answer, I have been busy – is it the same issue if you use the html interface in a browser?  (I have never seen this error, so I'm trying to get some hint of what is going on)  You could also try to manually inspect the database and see if anything is added to it when a questionnaire is answered in the Android client.^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with opentele-server and opentele-citizen-server #3954

    Is the client able to connect to the server?  Like, is the client working normally, so you can answer questionnaires and they just don't show on the server or is the connection completely broken?^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3948

    Hi,You can take the generated .war file (~/OpenTele/opentele-client-html/dist/dev/opentele-client-html.war) and add it to tomcat.  The URL will then depend on your tomcat configuration.  But typically something like "[ip of tomcat server]:8080/opentele-client-html".  Note that when running in the Android simulator, the IP of the host machine defaults to:^__^Mike

    in reply to: Build Failure -> OpenTele Android Client #3953

    That is very strange, do you get the correct MD5 checksum on the zip file you got?Yes, the output you send, shows that the app builded, but the test fails, there is a reason the test fails, it can either be because there is an error in the generated code, or because something is wrong in your test environment.  I can't see from the log you attached, which one it is...^__^Mike

    in reply to: Build Failure -> OpenTele Android Client #3951

    btw – it's the test that fails, not the build

    in reply to: Build Failure -> OpenTele Android Client #3950

    Is this in the new VM that you got?^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3946

    I have reported the issue to AU IT, meanwhile if you are on site today with a USB thingy, then you can step by my office to get it directly (it's about 8 GB).^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3944

    I think you might have gotten a bad download – the MD5 checksum of the file should be 669375e0541a3180d4c325b92ce6d9d2 can you check if you have that?^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3942

    Hi,1) About the "npm WARN cannot run in wd..." I can see that error too in the old VM that I think you got a copy of - I think I know what the problem is (it's related to access rights), but rather than spending time on fixing it, maybe it would be an idea to use the new VM that is publicly available which don't have this issue, you can read about it here: http://wiki.4s-online.dk/doku.php?id=sandbox:opentele2) If the "npm install" fails, that might be a strong hint of why the build application doesn't work.  The client-html server, is called opentele-client-html and it is a server (or at least a package that is serving web pages through tomcat), even it doesn't have server in its name, sorry for the confusion by not being clear about that.  It is correct what you did, specifying the opentele-citizen-server's address when building the opentele-client-html server.3) The build command looks ok.There are three servers used in a running set up (four if you count the database server):A) The opentele-server (clinician interface) talks with the databaseB) The opentele-citizen-server (machine interface for citizen interfaces) talks with the databaseC) The opentele-client-html (server for the web citizen web interface) needs the machine interface of the opentele-citizen-server.You run the opentele-client-html package by generating a war file with the command you posted ("grunt ci-package --serverUrl='http://opentele-citizen.4s-online.dk/'") you then install this war file in tomcat and access it that way.  (But this should all be setup in the VM I linked to above)There are two Android applications:AA) opentele-client-android which communicates with the opentele-citizen-server - this is a native Android application that can communicate with measurement devices such as weight scales, blood pressure monitors, pulse oxymeters etc.AB) opentele-client-android-html which is a wrapper for the opentele-client-html server, this application only have limited/next to none ability to communicate with measurment devices, and relies mainly on manual entering of data.I hope the above helps? ^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3940

    Hi,I just want to verify something, you are using the Android HTML client, right?  That one needs to communicate with the client-html server, the one you can also access through a web-browser on the Android device - so that is what you have to give as the -P argument to gradlew.  What puzzles me in the log is that you write you have given the citizen-server URL with the -P argument, but the log say:  08-31 14:27:11.896    2094-2134/dk.silverbullet.telemed W/System.err﹕ java.lang.IllegalStateException: Target host must not be null, or set in parameters. scheme=null, host=null, path=opentele-html.4s-online.dk/opentele-client-html/In the first line ???  - how can the app know that address ?  The citizen server don't know anything about the client-html server...^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3937

    That is good, it means everything except the android app is working as expected.  – But unfortunately it can also make it challenging to debug, what does “adb logcat” say?  (for readers on this forum who don't know about "adb": - adb is the debugger for Android devices, logcat, is the command to see various logs from the device)I just thought of one thing - when you build the Android HTML Client, did you make it point at the citizen server or the html client server with the -PopenTeleUrl="????" command?^__^Mike

    in reply to: Problem with android-html client #3935

    Can you access it through a web-browser ?

    in reply to: Server – development environment #3949

    The Clinician and Citizen servers are written in Groovy using the Grails framework (Groovy translates into Java “executables”). Forgetting about the HTML citizen server which is more or less just a host for a number of webpages, then the servers are separate servers that can be run on different physical servers or they can all run on the same physical server.Grails support that you can run a server in the (grails) environment with the "grails run-app" command, this is useful to use locally on a development machine when developing the software, but is not suited for running the servers in a production environment or an environment where it is used by others than the developer developing the software.Tomcat is kind of a web server where you amongst other things can run Java programs  - hence you can make tomcat run the OpenTele servers in it.  On the 4S demo servers we have all the OpenTele servers running in the same Tomcat instance.A common way to install the servers in Tomcat, is to first generate a .war file with "grails war" (optionally including an environment specification to grails like "grails dev war", telling it to generate a development version of the code) this .war file is then copied into the tomcat webapps folder where Tomcat then automatically loads and executes it.We have a description here: http://wiki.4s-online.dk/doku.php?id=opentele2:developer:serversetup:ubuntudesktop1404 on how to set up a Tomcat instance with the three OpenTele servers (relying on a mySQL server running on the same machine).So to summarize, the OpenTele servers are run inside tomcat, not parallel to it, and all the OpenTele servers can use the same Tomcat instance.I hope the above helps.^__^Mike

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