Mike Kristoffersen

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  • in reply to: Struggling with cloud deployment #4085

    I assume you made entries in Config.groovy that corresponds to the performance profile. Try to add the following to the opentele-servers profile that you are using:

    grails.plugin.databasemigration.dropOnStart = true
    grails.plugin.databasemigration.updateOnStart = true
    grails.plugin.databasemigration.updateOnStartFileNames = [‘changelog.groovy’]
    grails.plugin.databasemigration.autoMigrateScripts = [‘RunApp’, ‘TestApp’]

    As the current version on head doesn’t do database migrations – I’m not sure if that is you root problem thou…

    Can you make the software run locally with “grails run-app” ?


    in reply to: HTML5 Cleint #4071

    Hi Simon,

    When you say HTML client, do you mean the interface you get when you connect with a browser, or the Android app that loads the HTML5 interface (opentele-client-android-html)?

    There is no support for automatic transfer of measurements when using a normal browser as you guessed because there is no simple way to connect to Bluetooth from a standard browser. The Android wrapper (client-android-html) does have support for automatic transfer – I’m not sure how well that worked (if at all) on versions from last year, but the latest versions should have the support (Note that there was a major update done last week which should have done magic to the transfer).

    Are there other things than the communication with measurement devices that you have found missing when comparing the clients?


    in reply to: Deployment of opentele-server #4067

    The change in the previous post should be made to both the opentele-server and the opentele-citizen-server.


    in reply to: Deployment of opentele-server #4066

    I found something that might be of interest – maybe not to the problem as described in this thread, but at least related to what we found on your computer when you passed by my office. There is a problem if you build with the development profile and don’t use the h2 database, the reason being that the server will try to start two h2 databases which is conflicting and makes the program fail.

    In order to fix this the ../grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy file needs to be modified:

    The line reading:

    if(Environment.current.name == ‘development’ && !BootStrapUtil.isH2DatabaseServerRunning(“jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:8043/citizenDb”, “sa”, “”)) {

    Needs to be changed to:

    if(Environment.current.name == ‘development’
    && grailsApplication.config.dataSource.dialect == “org.opentele.server.core.util.H2Dialect”
    && !BootStrapUtil.isH2DatabaseServerRunning(“jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:8043/citizenDb”, “sa”, “”)


    in reply to: Server specifications #4064


    I don’t think the server configuration in the TeleCare Nord project is public knowledge. But the OpenTele servers are a bit memory hungry. Are you asking because you need to configure a server, or as background information?

    For a test setup I would start with 4GB (Last time I tried i could run with 2GB, but I would start with 4GB) and then monitor the actual usage, doing adjustments as needed.


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